After being bullied for vitiligo her whole life, this girl who is now turning her body into amazing art


When Ash Soto was 12 years old, she was diagnosed with vitiligo.

This is a rare skin disease that causes generalized loss of pigmentation and the appearance of white spots.

During Ash’s teenage years, vitiligo was most common, and that’s when the bullying started.

Ash felt too embarrassed to show off her skin in public after a young girl asked if she showered with bleach.

Soto: “When I heard that, I was so shocked and started crying because I didn’t want to get sick anymore.

However, Ash forced himself to do such things in his teens, including wearing short-sleeved shirts outside.

But it wasn’t until she started doing body art that she accepted her skin condition.

She started by drawing a border around the white areas and quickly realized that she had created a map of the world.

I didn’t know how beautiful my vitiligo was until I traced it with a black marker and saw how the different colors appeared.

I will continue to make leather art and share it with everyone in the hope that it will motivate and encourage others.

What was once considered imperfect is now admired and appreciated more than ever for its unique qualities.


Ash Soto was diagnosed with vitiligo at the age of 12. After a young girl asked her if she bathed with bleach, she began to feel self-conscious about her rapidly spreading vitiligo.

The young woman, now 21, no longer feels ashamed and even appreciates her skin color.

Soto made the teenage decision to no longer let her color get in the way of achieving her goals.

She started challenging herself every day by doing things like going out in public without wearing long sleeves.
De Soto’s body became a work of art after overcoming many obstacles.

It really helps bring out the different colors on my skin,” Soto told the Daily Mail.

“I never realized how beautiful my vitiligo was until I traced it with a black marker.”

Ms has now painted her body to look like many works of art, including Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’, and she has no intention of stopping.

What was once considered a shortcoming is now something to cherish and appreciate.

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