Seven Things You Should Know About WOW Education


There are seven important facts you should know about WOW Education. This unique program is designed to help educators and students develop critical literacy, research skills, and STEM competencies. The program uses a series of 10 to 15-week Local Interest Projects (LIPs) that help students learn about the scientific method, entrepreneurship, and computer science. Students are guided through the entire process of scientific research, from the research proposal to the final report, using weekly lesson guides and easy-to-use computer programs. In addition, WOW! has built natural connections between local community organizations and schools.

WOW! is a school where students become computer scientists

The WOW! school model incorporates practices from highly effective schools, including inquiry-based learning, problem-solving, and critical literacy. The school develops inquiry and research skills in elementary and middle school and then offers computer science, service learning, and life skills pathways for high school students. This model makes inquiry-based learning accessible to teachers who are not computer science specialists. The program is designed to stretch students in all subjects, including math, science, and English.

First of all, students learn a variety of elementary computer science concepts. They are exposed to different computer languages and software tools, and they learn the fundamental building blocks of computer science, including functions and variables. This is a great way to get a general understanding of the subject.

WOW! is a school where students become budding writers, researchers, entrepreneurs and engaged citizens

WOW! is a school where students become budding writers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and engaged citizens through creative learning experiences. The school’s STEM subject coordinator has won multiple awards, including the Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition and the Top Ten Teacher award in the Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Competition. Students engage in an inquiry-based, project-based learning experience that promotes deeper understanding of concepts.

WOW! is a professional development resource for educators

WOW! is an effective professional development resource for educators. This website offers free webinars and other tools that help educators grow professionally. Teachers can use these free resources to enhance their curriculum and support their students’ learning. Rick’s presentations are relevant to today’s realities and can be easily customized to the specific needs of faculty members.

WOW! is an inquiry-based learning program that incorporates best practices from highly effective schools. It develops critical literacy, inquiry skills, research skills, and computer science in elementary and middle school students. It also offers high school students career, service learning, and life skills pathways. Teachers who are not computer science specialists can implement this program to extend their students’ learning in all subject areas.

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